Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari
- Volume -2 |
When requested by the publishers to write a
preface to this book, I was more than confused
because the task is such I do not in any way
feel competent to do it. However, I got myself
emboldened to write the preface as I know that
opportunities just do not come when we desire,
more so in matters like this where Divine Will
alone operates. There is another reason. I was
told that I am named as Satari by my grandfather
Dr. K.C.Varadachari. My father told me that I
was named so because Dr. K.C.Varadachari had an
experience similar to that of the Zen
“Satori”during that period. Further he compared
the same with the Srivaishnavaites ‘Satari’
which grants the seekers such bliss. It is this
blessing of that great soul that I feel unique
to myself, also granted me this unique
opportunity. Dr.K.C.Varadachari, my revered
grandfather is one of the most popular
professors of philosophy in India during his
days and has profusely contributed to the
development of proper understanding of the
philosophies of Visistadvaita, Aurobindonian
thought and has contributed meaningfully in the
fields of aesthetic, theory of knowledge and
other branches of knowledge. He has found an
integral and holistic approach of sadhana in the
system of Rajayoga of Sri Ramchandraji of
Shahjahanpur. In his late 50’s and through the
time till he lived he has dedicated himself to
that system or way of life.
The book that is being presented now is one of
his last unpublished works. The book deals with
seven different types of understanding emanating
from different types of understanding emanating
from different theories of knowledge or logics.
That logic by itself can not grasp the reality
of things is better known to the author than any
one else. However, he carries us through a very
enterprising journey of various modes and means
of understanding through the seven chapters in
this work. That this work requires an
introduction was clearly felt by the author and
he wrote the introduction to these seven types
of understanding. That wisdom is something that
is an extra to understanding is known to all the
discerning seekers. The author takes us through
the different modes of comprehension as
adumbrated by the various darshanas viz.,
Samkhya, Mimamsa, Rasayoga, Advaita, Aurobindian,
Visistadvaitin and Jainism.
The book explains in detail the different types
of logic with an emphasis towards trying to
explain the relevance of the different view of
seekers towards having a better understanding of
the concept of God and divinity. In an era when
mankind is obsessed with ‘I’ it is indeed very
rare for anyone to try and understand the
differences in the various concepts of the
Ultimate and still rarer to hold such a
dispassionate view when it comes to expounding
the different views as explained through the
ages. As the reality of the nature of Light is
revealed through the Seven colours of the
spectrum, the author seems to emphasise the need
to know that the Divine Light (which itself is
said to be grey as imperienced) consists of the
seven ways of knowing.
The name of the book as ‘Seven types of Logic’
and the sequence of the chapters therein were
given by the author himself and no effort has
been made to change the sequence of the
chapters, either to suit the logics or to take
it chronologically as it is not clear how he has
numbered them as such. However, to make the
intention of the author in writing this book
understood by the readers the book is now named
as Seven paths to Wisdom. This I do with
reverence. It is hoped that the reader who goes
through the book with the serious attention that
is required keeping in view the depth of
understanding that is needed for a study of the
topics under consideration, he will appreciate
the profound maturity, status and the command of
the write over the subject. The book should also
hold a special interest to the seeker as it
tries to arrive at an answer to the unending
question about the nature of the ULTIMATE after
discussing the pros and cons as associated with
each individual system of logic.
As mentioned earlier this book is one of the
last unpublished work of Revered Dr. K.C.
Varadachari. However, some of the chapters were
published as articles in the S.V. University
Oriental Journal. The third chapter on the Logic
of the Artistic Mind is a review of a book by
Prof Northrop Fyre titled the ‘Fearful
Symmetry’. It may be noted that some of these
articles were written earlier to the book of the
author titled ‘New Darsana’ wherein the system
of Sahaj Marg as propounded by Sri Ramchandraji
Maharaj of Shahjahanpur was explained in detail
keeping in view the metaphysical,
metapsychological and logical points of view and
the reader is recommended to read the ‘New
Darsana’ also.
It is indeed a great honour for me to have
written the preface to this book and I express
my grateful thanks to the publishers for having
provided me an opportunity to be part of this
novel and challenging work of Dr. K.C.
Varadachari for greater understanding of the
Reality, particularly for those who do sadhana.
I feel that it is indeed divine will that this
book was not published earlier and I humbly feel
that this is the way the Divine Master Babuji
Maharaj blesses me. I do hope that the reader is
influenced by this work and seeks the ultimate
reality and proceeds towards the Natural path of
Sri Ramachandra or the New Darsana.
Hyderabad, K.C. Satari
03.02.1997. |