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Nuggets - Samavarti

01-Samavarti-146 14-Jan-2018

The transcendence over space and time means just the setting aside of all limitations as interferences to the worship of the Divine, attainment of the Divine.

Vol 1 - pg 96
02-Samavarti-146 15-Jan-2018

But his intuition seems to be based more on the yearning of the heart than on the reasoning of the head.

Vol 1 - pg 381
03-Samavarti-146 16-Jan-2018

Reality is then what is to be known. It is to be known through the integral experience or imperience of the heart, which is the living organ in every human being.

Vol I - Pg 5
04-Samavarti-146 17-Jan-2018

It is by this heart that man decides his own fate and future.

Vol 1 - pg 381
05-Samavarti-146 18-Jan-2018

In spiritual development the ajna does not play any part. Some early yogic works mentioned centres such as Manas, Manonmani, Unmani and Ialana etc., above the Ajna.

Vol 1- pg 386
06-Samavarti-146 19-Jan-2018

The real thing is that when that experience of Godly-light has the effect, you feel your body lighter as in contrast to heavier.

Vol I - pg 242
07-Samavarti-146 20-Jan-2018

It is not reduction of mental activity, but it is the transcendence of mental activity, a direct intuition of universal harmony that issues out from concentration and meditation.

Vol 1 - pg 564
08-Samavarti-146 21-Jan-2018

The theory of the Upanishads also deals with the problem of spandana (throbbing) of vayu as the media of movement of chitta and manas. All associative virility issues out of the throbbing movement of Vayu or akasa.

Vol 1 - pg 537
09-Samavarti-146 22-Jan-2018

It is not merely the immanence of the Law of God, of His original fiat in things, but the realisation of the actual residence within oneself as Self and Soul, atman, that makes religion meaningful to man. Else a rational naturalism would be sufficient for man.

Vol x - pg 615
10-Samavarti-146 23-Jan-2018

Sahajavastha is sought to be established in everyone of our abhyasis, so that he will be doing his duties detached from the fruits of duties; but attached all the time to the Reality which pours itself down into him and supports him by its changeless condition.

Vol I - pg 216
11-Samavarti-146 24-Jan-2018

Some people, of course, describe it as "Vidyurlekha", that is lightening like. It will be seen for a moment, but you feel it once for all. Some people call it a bluelight or dark-light. Whatever it is, we are not concerned about the nature of the light.

Vol I - pg 242
12-Samavarti-146 25-Jan-2018

Once the control has been transferred to the levels of spiritual being, there is samadhi, the trance state in which all are absorbed into the fold of spirit and thence function spiritually. This is the highest morality, beyond even the limits of social morality.

Vol 1 - pg 561
13-Samavarti-146 26-Jan-2018

That those who undertake the yogic practice out of superficial motives may make use of very many automatisms is possible. But neither concentration nor relaxation is out to create automatisms.

Vol 1 - pg 563
14-Samavarti-146 27-Jan-2018

Slogans are of no use except for hasty consumption.

Vol x - pg 229
15-Samavarti-146 28-Jan-2018

Consciousness such as the individuated particularised individuals possess is not the Ultimate.

Vol I - Pg 13
16-Samavarti-146 29-Jan-2018

This conception of the omnipervading Reality is most beneficial in developing subtlety of perception, and helps the removal of all impurities, obstructions and coverings on the inner psychic being.

Vol 1 - pg 313
17-Samavarti-146 30-Jan-2018

Mystic silence is the first sign of mystic experience of inward strength, and of solid knowledge.

Vol x - pg 370
18-Samavarti-146 31-Jan-2018

Whilst this is not incorrect as an explanation of the movement of man towards the ultimate freedom the limitations of darkness, ignorance, non existence, and death, the psychological experiences of the higher world as experience of light seem to be not quite exact.

Vol 1 - pg 389
19-Samavarti-146 01-Feb-2018

It is true this deep and intense feeling for liberty, which I call the function of difference, may be "a kind of spiritual firework going off of itself in perpetual night", may be the solitary experiences of the soul but that is the basic truth of our existence.

Vol ix - pg 325
20-Samavarti-146 02-Feb-2018

Shri Ram Chandraji affirms that where philosophy ends spirituality begins. It begins with wonder or mystic experience.

Vol I - Pg 4
21-Samavarti-146 03-Feb-2018

Tradition bear germination and grow into trees that shall grant shade to all types of art and craft.

Vol X - pg 79
22-Samavarti-146 04-Feb-2018

The glory of sacrifice for this ideal of freedom of the individual, this essential principle of democracy, only dawns on the soul at moments of deepest vision.

Vol ix - pg 325
23-Samavarti-146 05-Feb-2018

Yogic consciousness in dreams are, in one sense, the intimations of the higher consciousness at that level of the individual where his external organs are at rest, only the inner mind actively receiving the higher consciousness. In other respects it may very much look like the other symbolic imagination or projection from within one's own depths.

Vol I - Pg 367
24-Samavarti-146 06-Feb-2018

Philosophic knowledge is supra-mental knowledge.

Vol 1 - pg 162
25-Samavarti-146 07-Feb-2018

The mystic seer wishes to probe into that which is beyond thought and sense and even the individual ego-sense.

Vol I - Pg 4
26-Samavarti-146 08-Feb-2018

The mystical is a personal view of reality and not an impersonal view. It is how the soul seeks and finds its highest truth and Self.

Vol 1 - pg 103
27-Samavarti-146 09-Feb-2018 Trance is not intoxication. Vol 1 - pg 564
28-Samavarti-146 10-Feb-2018

Tradition is not static but a dynamic soul of the people.

Vol x - pg 229
29-Samavarti-146 11-Feb-2018

The instruments of knowledge, so called, learned instruments of Divine or the instruments of karma are useless, because we have found them to be of no use.

Vol I - Pg 206
30-Samavarti-146 12-Feb-2018

Trees uprooted die, but men uprooted from tradition suffer.

Vol x - pg 229
31-Samavarti-146 13-Feb-2018

Higher levels of consciousness have higher speeds so that the succession is ultimately reduced so far as the lower level is concerned to simultaneity.

Vol 1 - pg 94